Selah’s Safe Way was created to rehabilitate child survivors of sex trafficking through two phases. As a non-profit organization we provide sex trafficking rehabilitation for victims.
Sex Trafficking Rehabilitation
Our first phase includes a safe place for children to come after rescuing and offer things like reconstructive surgery and attention to any immediate necessities.
Our phase two offers a more comprehensive approach including clinical trauma therapy. We are passionate about fully healing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Our holistic approach will leave the girls with tools necessary to transition into adulthood, feeling confident and inspired.
Note the never-ending butterfly in our logo – She is drawn with a continuous line symbolizing the “highs and lows” of life. All of the lows took her to the highs and complete – she is beautiful.
Child sex-trafficking is a giant but we at Selah’s Safe Way whole-heartedly believe that we can make a difference by focusing on teaching the girls that they are worthy, they are special, and that they themselves have the capability to create a life worth living. Contact us today to learn how you can help our efforts to help children.